Reference news

Hirschvogel Automotive Group

New DSC reference customer for Factory Control Center | FCTR

Hirschvogel Automotive Group

Digitilized manufacturing – fully integrated into SAP

When it comes to vehicle parts made of steel or aluminum, the Hirschvogel Automotive Group with its main plant in Denklingen (Bavaria) is definitely at the forefront. With around 6,000 employees and sales of 1.23 billion euros, Hirschvogel is one of the largest automotive suppliers in the world, in the area of solid forming and further refinement.

They supply all well-known automobile manufacturers and suppliers across the globe. It is therefore not surprising that almost every vehicle produced in Germany today contains a Hirschvogel component.

As a large-scale discrete manufacturer, it is vital for Hirschvogel to have smooth production with as little machine downtime as possible. That is why Hirschvogel uses DSC’s Factory Control Center | FCTR.

The Smart Factory solution for SAP enables the integration of CAM systems, the management of all tool data in SAP, and the integration of manufacturing planning into the SAP-supported product creation process. It also integrates shop floor systems such as CNC machines, and supplies these automatically with the relevant data from SAP.

This is the only way to meet the production and delivery times necessary for global competition and simultaneously increase efficiency.

For more information on FCTR see Factory Control Center | FCTR.