DSC stands for practice-approved and future-proof solutions in ONE system – SAP – customized for your needs.
Aerospace and Defense
The future belongs to enterprises that succeed in interconnecting isolated processes, intelligent technologies, and data from customers, partners, and devices worldwide. This is because the key to success lies in gaining insight from data.
Market success mostly depends on the capability to identify and satisfy customer demands, and on the aptitude to quickly address new trends. An efficient product development is a trump card in this process.
High Tech companies are dominating economies more than ever. To maintain this dominance in the long term, it is crucial to implement innovative business models and optimize processes, based on the newest technologies.
The future for modern life sciences enterprises will be about integrated and transparent processes with a focus on the patient, as well as about connecting the real world with the technical world in the most effective way.
It is essential for manufacturers and suppliers to sharpen their main competencies and at the same time to globally promote factors such as innovation, integration, and networking with customers and partners.
Companies of these sectors are facing enormous challenges they never faced before in history. An increasing complexity of products and more efficient planning and implementation, paired with greater cost awareness pave the way to innovative solutions for optimizing the digital value chain.
In a more than ever competitive marketplace, it is essential that companies rely on consistent processes, intelligent technologies, and a digital value chain based on real-time data.
Modern service providers already realized that also their future lies in Digital Transformation. Specialist knowledge is increasingly available online and traditional services come into question. Therefore, the entire value chain needs to be reimagined, especially concerning digitalization.